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Business Intel, Social Media Profiling, Backgrounds and AI


     Business intelligence is critical to all industries. There are high demands for vetting companies and individuals in our society today. Background checks are paramount as community demographics, crime levels, prosecution policies, theft of identities, and other breach of boundaries occur. These challenges drives our search for truth.  Whatever your company's intel needs are, know that we are thorough. From surveillance to profile examinations etc. our team will fulfill your request.

     Insurance and reinsurance executives likewise have priorities for integrity in detecting financial reserve, leakage, suppression, as well as obligatory reporting to excess levels and reinsurers. Experienced staff realize surprise errors and omissions are detrimentally compounded without transparency or lack in communication or missed diary cycles for reporting. Projecting and analyzing accurate data information prevents the element of unknown risks on losses, and emerging exposures. We strive to provide our partners with existing information. We know and understand what they are looking for based on experience.


     Extant sees the end to end vision for a differentiated customer experience. With the introduction of AI, supervision of intel, and need for making prudent decisions, examination of financials and reserves projections are critical to bottom-lines. Internal IT integration should be tracked for benchmarking and analyzing predictability models and futures.


     In line with Social Media Footprints, locating material is one thing, mining data sources is individual, as are the methodologies for profiling leads on subject plaintiffs. We look beyond the normal reach of unstructured data [always remaining within the letter of the law] to learn more about the plaintiff. 


     Extant protects your budget by responding to demanding work volume in: operations, investigations, surveillance (manned and aerial), litigation management etc.

  • We understand how to evaluate claim risks throughout the life-cycle, helping reduce fraud leakage on a               pre-payment versus post-payment basis.

  • We know that the length of claim cycles inflates LAE expenses.

  • We understand the importance of reducing expenses and claim cycles by identifying opportunities for early resolutions. We report trending losses on policy holder's accounts when seen during case reviews.

  • Policy holder's or TPA's loss runs and bordereaux provide coded information for analyzing risks and emerging exposures on trends for renewal pricing. This thought process and the implementation of consistent practices reduces cycle time which transfers to savings. 


                     Every client desires to prioritize and reduce the impact of error and malpresentations in data and intel.


     Clients and policy holders should look to Extant, for knowledge and flexibility in operating systems, capable of analytics and fraud detection. Investigative professionals should possess wider adaptations, offer greater field creativity, and meet the needs and expectations of their customers while saving them money. 






CLICK ON ICON HERE:  Video and Audio on National Insurance Crime Bureau/Social Media:                 




See- Business Intelligence Brochure


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